Terms Dates and Information 



If your child is leaving nursery at the end of the Summer term, you are reminded that a notice period of six school weeks is required. Therefore, notice must be received in writing no later than Friday 25th October 2024. If we do not receive notice by this due date, you will be invoiced for next term’s fees, even if your child is funded.

Can you please also state which school/setting your child will be moving on to and whether it is a nursery or reception class.

Autumn  Term 2024

Term Dates


                      New children Stay and play session Wednesday 4th September 10 to 11:30am     

                      Existing Children start back Thursday 5th September 2024

                      Staggered start for new children from Thursday 5th September 2024                   

                      Half -Term       Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2024

                      Autumn Term ends   Thursday 19th December  2024

                      Inset day Friday 20th December 2024

                     Spring term starts Monday 6th January 2025    


Dates for the Dairy

Week commencing  2nd December 2024 we are holding our Parent/Carer mornings for the children. This is a chance to chat about your child’s progress. Appointments will be available nearer the time.

Wednesday 18th December  2024 Christmas Grotto.

Thursday 19th December 2024 Christmas party. 

Arrangements for Drop off and pick up

At Drop off we will continue to take the children from the main door. This helps support routine and independence skills. If your child is new to the nursery, then you are welcome to come into the reception area to say goodbye before an adult takes them to the cloakroom/main hall.

Please wait outside until a member of staff opens the main door. You are welcome to come into the hall to collect your child. The children will be sitting on a mat with their keyworker. For the safety of the children please go to their mat and speak to their keyworker before taking your child rather than encouraging them to come to you. Please make sure your child remains with you until you have left the build to prevent any accidents. Please encourage your child to walk with you, rather than be carried.

Car Park

The car park has an ANPR system installed, for the safety of all the users of the Centre. Please remember to enter your car registration in the foyer,  if you are staying longer than 15 minutes. 

Safety in the weather

Please could children have a summer hat, for the warmer weather. The outside area has little natural shade and the children will not be able to play outside without a hat. Please apply sun cream to your child, before coming to nursery in the morning. This will keep them safe from the sun, while they are with us. For the colder weather please ensure your child has a suitable warm rainproof coat, warm hat and gloves. If your child attends in wellingtons please provide shoes for them to change into for inside play.


We use a Staff Buddy System for when your child’s keyworker is occasionally unavailable to speak to. In this situation, please speak to their buddy or to Carol or Nicky who will pass on any messages or information.  These are the keyworkers and their buddies.

Carol – Nicky

Nicky – Carol

Karen - Carol

Amanda – Nicky

Absence from Nursery

If your child is not attending nursery on their set day for whatever reason could you please notify us by 9.30 am so that we can mark the register accordingly. If they contract a certain illnesses, we also have a duty of care to notify other parents. A return has to be made to the local education authority each term indicating the level of absence for each child, and if we are not notified of the reason then this has to be recorded as unauthorised absence; if the level of unauthorised absence is high then this could affect the child’s entitlement to funding. We also care about the children and plan activities for them, so we like to know if they are not attending and that they are all right. If we do not hear from you the key workers will ring you, just like the schools already do. If texting is easier the Nursery mobile number is 07930878133  


Please do not put your child in their ‘best clothes’ to come to nursery as a child gets the most out of their learning experience when they are allowed to get messy. The ideal clothing is tops, trousers / jogging bottoms and closed in footwear that enables them to be able to run, jump etc. please note that as some activities involve the removal of shoes can children please wear socks. We request that children wear shoes with a Velcro fastening.

Also can you please ensure that your child has a coat etc. on their peg – we do go out to play in all weathers. A bag with a spare set of clothes on their peg is also useful in case they get wet through play or have a toileting accident.  Please name your child's possessions so that items do not get lost or sent home with the wrong child.
If your child has pierced ears can you ensure that they only wear small studs to school; there has been evidence lately in other schools where children who wear other kinds of earrings have had accidents to the ear lobe when the earrings have been caught on clothing.


Makaton is a language programme using signs, symbols and speech to help people to communicate. It is designed to support spoken language and the signs and symbols are used with speech, in spoken word order. This helps to slow down the pace of talking and provide extra visual clues about the meaning of words.

Today over 100,000 children and adults, use Makaton symbols and signs. Children with language or learning difficulties and children with English as an additional language benefit from using these Signs and Symbols. However, all children will be involved in learning this skill, as it promotes inclusion and supports interaction and friendships between children.

Children will be introduced to the signs and symbols by visual clues and actions, during their Story time. They will be used throughout the session in daily routines, in songs and stories. Please support your child with learning this new skill. A great way to learn new signs is on The CBeebies TV Show “Something Special” with Mr Tumble or on “Singing Hands” Website.

Family Book

Please could you send in photos of family members, friends, and pets that we can keep. This may be just of parents and siblings, but can also include other relatives and friends, who your child is familiar with and who are important to them. Please name them on the back and their relationship to your child. We will use them to make a “family book” that will be used to develop their learning and they can share with us and their friends.

Kinderly and parents as Partners

Kinderly is the platform we use for your child’s learning journey. If you are not already linked up to see your child’s activities online, please ask a member of staff. It contains photos of your child, for you to look at. As part of our Parents as Partners initiative we would ask that all parents contribute to your child’s Learning Journey with photographs and comments. We know lots of great learning and experiences go on at home and we would love to know about them.  We are also here for you if you feel you need to talk to us. We can always make time for you.

Nursery Policies 

It is important that you read and contribute to policies of the setting, these policies are regularly reviewed and a folder containing them all  is available for all parents to read, if you are unsure about anything contained in them, please do not hesitate to ask questions.

Letters and sounds 

Our children move on to a variety of different schools and these schools use different learning schemes to support reading. For this reason, we support learning with a range of these schemes.

From an early age, children benefit from using phonic sounds. It helps to develop their oral motor movement, to support their pronunciation of words. Each week during Story time all children will be introduced to the name of the letters and the ‘phonic’ sounds using the action from the Jolly Phonics scheme. 


We are pleased to announce you are able to purchase clothing with our logo direct from: https://myclothing.com/rectory-lane-nursery/9887.school, uniform is optional. 

Mobile phones

Please can all parents carers and anyone accompanying parents do not use your mobile phone in the building. Do not enter the building until you have finished and please do not take any calls until you are out of the building.


Please like our Rectory Lane Nursery page on Facebook @rectorylanenursery we will post relevant information and reminders on there.